Right now you may need only four business phone lines. But as your company grows, it may require a more robust phone system. That’s not a problem. We easily increase your phone lines to accommodate your entire team using the most current telephony technology. Voicemail, intercom systems and intercoms can be maintained easily by your team.
What happens when your business grows and you need to expand? You renovate or move. If you expand your existing structure, we can update and extend your security system into the new square footage seamlessly. You won’t have to change your entire security program, you won’t have to replace all of your security cameras and in most cases, you won’t have to learn a new surveillance system.
Rather than deal with multiple vendors for telecommunications, security and network systems, Aardvark is a one-stop shop that can minimize the time investment required to deal with two, three or more companies. What’s more, because Aardvark personnel are well versed in all of these areas, Aardvark can assure that all of your systems will integrate well with each other as required.
Your business relies on the phone system every hour of every day. Security systems protect your employees, information and products from threats. Telephony and security are essential parts of your company. When they are functioning correctly, you don’t think about it, but when they are down you need service immediately. Aardvark is located in Marietta, Ohio and available for your service needs quickly. Our convenient position in Southeast Ohio allows us to service security, network and telephone systems within a two-hour radius the same day.
We at Aardvark understand every business has different security, network and telephony needs. We have sold security systems to multi-million dollar manufacturers and small mom-and-pop shops. It doesn’t matter to us what kind of budget you have or what size system you need. Our mission is to provide the best product and service for your operation. So, when you call us you can trust that we will suggest the most appropriate product and service for your needs and budget. We won’t try to over sell you or pressure you into what others are using. We will provide you with the best service regardless of your needs and tailor your security and telephony program to your operation.
We keep your business mission in mind when designing and installing your telephone and security systems.
Aardvark partners with some of the most reputable and technologically advanced security and telephony brands in the industry. While we have strong relationships with these companies, we will always suggest the most appropriate product and service for your needs, even if it isn’t listed below.